List of supporters as of April 5, 2017.
71 organisations
- Les Amis de la Terre *
- Anticor *
- Ars Industrialis
- French Association of Sociology
- Associated Whistleblowing Press
- ATTAC Austria
- ATTAC France *
- ATTAC Luxembourg
- ATTAC Norway
- ATTAC Wallonie Bruxelles
- Bizi
- BLOOM Association
- CADTM Belgium
- CADTM France *
- Canadians for Tax Fairness
- CCFD-Terre Solidaire *
- CFDT *
- Collectif Échec aux Paradis Fiscaux (Canada)
- Collectif Roosevelt *
- Collectif Roosevelt Belgique
- Comité régional CGT de Lorraine
- Convention for a 6th French Republic
- CRID *
- Crim'Halt
- Berne Declaration
- Droit pour la justice *
- Les Économistes Atterrés
- Eurodad
- FACT Coalition
- EPSU - NEA committee
- Fí
- Financial Transparency Coalition
- Financité
- Fondation Sciences Citoyennes
- F.S.U (French Union)
- Global Alliance for Tax Justice
- Greenpeace France
- Justice et Paix *
- Human Rights League France
- Mining Watch Canada
- French movement for the unemployed
- French movement for Degrowth
- Movement Utopia
- Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit
- Netzfrauen
- Osons Causer
- Oxfam France *
- ActionAid France *
- Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network *
- Réseau pour la Justice Fiscale, Belgium
- Secours catholique Caritas France *
- Sherpa *
- Survie *
- Solidaires Finances Publiques *
- Syndicat des Avocats de France
- Syndicat de la magistrature *
- French National Syndicate of Environment (SNE-FSU)
- French National Syndicate of Journalists (SNJ)
- French National Syndicate of Journalists (SNJ-CGT)
- Tax Justice Network
- Tax Justice Network Australia
- Tax Justice Network USA
- The Yes Men
- Transparency International France *
- UGCIT-CGT (French Union) *
- War on Want
- Whistleblowing International Network
- Xnet
- Members of the French Platform on judicial and tax havens.
477 personalities
They expressed their support:
- Patrick Abate *** French Senator
- Isabella Adinolfi **** MEP (EFDD)
- Daniela Aiuto **** MEP (EFDD)
- Brigitte Alain *** French MP
- Éric Alauzet *** French MP
- Marina Albiol Guzman **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Jan Philipp Albrecht **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Paul Allies *** Political scientist
- Éric Alt *** Magistrate, vice-President of Anticor
- Annick Ancelin-Bourguignon *** Teacher-Researcher, ESSEC Business School Paris
- Martina Anderson **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Max Andersson **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Jean-Pierre Andrevon *** Writer
- Eric Andrieu **** MEP (S&D)
- Maria Arena **** MEP (S&D)
- Paul Ariès *** Political scientist
- Gérard Aschieri *** Member of French Environmental, Social and Economic Council
- Julian Assange *** WikiLeaks Editor-in-chief
- Éliane Assassi *** French Senator
- Isabelle Attard *** French MP
- Margrete Auken **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Guy Aurenche *** President of CCFD Terre Solidaire
- Clémentine Autain *** French politician
- Raymond Avrillier *** Whistleblower
- Geneviève Azam *** Economist
- Bertrand Badie *** University Professor
- Normand Baillargeon *** Essayist
- Raymond Baker ** Global Financial Integrity
- Guillaume Balas *** French MP
- Gilles Balbastre *** Journalist
- Étienne Balibar *** Philosopher
- Jacqueline Balsan *** President of MNCP
- Gérard Bapt *** French MP
- Patrick Bard *** Photojournalist & writer
- Hugues Bayet **** MEP (S&D)
- Marie-France Beaufils *** French Senator
- Laurent Beccaria *** Publisher
- Tiziana Beghin **** MEP (EFDD)
- Mireille Bélis *** Historian
- Miguel Benasayag *** Philosopher, Psychanalyst
- Jávor Benedek **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Brando Benifei **** MEP (S&D)
- Xabier Benito Ziluaga **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Pervenche Berès *** MEP (S&D), Chair of the French socialist delegation
- Olivier Besancenot *** French politician
- Martine Billard *** National secretary of French Left party
- Sophie Binet *** Deputy Secretary-General of CGT-UGICT
- Malin Björk **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Jacques Blaquart *** French bishop of Orléans
- Laurence Blisson *** Secretary-General of the French Magistrate Union
- Jack A. Blum ** Tax Justice Network USA
- Éric Bocquet *** French Senator
- Pascal Boniface *** Political scientist
- Michèle Bonneton *** French MP
- Christophe Bonneuil *** Historian of science
- Dominique Bourg *** Philosopher, University of Lausanne
- Céline Boussié *** Whistleblower
- Jacques Bouveresse *** Honorary Professor at Collège de France
- José Bové ** MEP (Greens)
- Lynn Boylan **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Juan Branco *** Jurist
- Franziska Brantner ** German MP (Green)
- Rony Brauman *** ex-President of Médecins Sans Frontières
- Richard Brooks ** Journalist & Author
- Vincent Brossel *** Director of ActionAid France
- Prof A J Brown ** Griffith University
- Klaus Büchner **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- François Burgat *** Political scientist
- Reinhard Bütikofer **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Terri Butler ** Australian MP (Labour)
- Julia Cagé *** Economist
- Alain Caillé *** Sociologist
- Pascal Canfin *** ex-Deputy Minister for Development
- Jacques Caplat *** Agronomist, anthropologist, writer
- Fanélie Carrey-Conte *** Former French MP
- Jean-Claude Carrière *** Novelist, screenwriter
- Matt Carthy **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Fabio Massimo Castaldo **** MEP (EFDD)
- Jean-Marie Cavada *** MEP (ALDE)
- Claude Cécile *** Secretary-General of SNJ
- Manuel Cervera-Marzal *** Political scientist, philosopher
- Robert Charvin *** Professor of International Law
- Francis Chateauraynaud *** Sociologist
- Emmanuel Chaumery *** French politician
- Christian Chavagneux *** Journalist
- François Chérèque ✝ *** Former syndicalist
- Jacques Chérèque *** ex-French minister
- Marc Chesney *** Finance Professor at Zurich University
- Eve Chiapello *** Sociologist
- Nessa Childers **** MEP (S&D)
- John Christensen ** Tax Justice Network UK
- Allison Christians ** McGill University
- Kostas Chrysogonos **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- André Cicolella *** Toxicologist, Whistleblower
- Frank Clemente ** Americans for Tax Fairness
- Alex Cobham ** Centre for Global Development
- Yves Cochet *** Former French minister
- Vanessa Codaccioni *** Political scientist
- Sergio Cofferati **** MEP (S&D)
- Daniel Cohn-Bendit * ex-MEP (Greens)
- Maxime Combes *** Economist
- Philippe Corcuff *** Political scientist
- Valérie Cordy *** Arist, stage director
- Benjamin Coriat *** Economist
- Sergio Coronado *** French MP
- Ignazio Corrao **** MEP (EFDD)
- Valérie Corre *** French MP
- Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran *** Economist
- Harold Crooks *** Journalist, writer & director
- Jakop Dalunde **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Rosa D'Amato **** MEP (EFDD)
- Marie-Laure Darrigade Bellocq *** Secretary-General of French Left Party
- Annie David *** French Senator
- Jean-Marc De Boni *** President of financial cooperative La Nef
- Caroline De Haas *** Feminist
- Dennis De Jong **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Erri De Luca *** Writer
- Fabio De Masi *** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Olivier De Schutter *** Professor of international human rights law
- Jean-Michel Delambre *** Cartoonist
- Chloé Delaume *** Writer
- Rosa L. DeLauro ** US Congresswoman (Democrat)
- Benoît Delepine *** Film director
- Karima Delli ** MEP (Greens)
- Michelle Demessine *** French Senator
- Alain Deneault *** Philosopher & political scientist
- Jean-Michel Di Falco *** French bishop of Gap and Embrun
- Evelyne Didier *** French Senator
- Pascal Diethelm *** Whistleblower
- Anneliese Dodds ** MEP (Labour)
- Lloyd Doggett ** US Congressman (Democrat)
- Mark Donne *** Film-maker and writer
- Jean-Pierre Dubois *** ex-President of the French Human Rights League
- Marc Dufumier *** Agronomist
- Françoise Dumont *** President of the French Human Rights League
- James Dunne *** Whistleblower
- Pascal Durand *** MEP (Greens)
- Rev Prof Andrew Dutney ** Uniting Church in Australia
- Guillaume Duval *** Editor-in-chief of “Alternatives économiques”
- Nicolas Duvoux *** Sociologist
- Stefan Eck **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Bas Eickhout ** MEP (Greens)
- Prof Peter Eigen ** Transparency International
- Didier Eribon *** Philosopher & sociologist
- Patrice Estanguet *** French slalom canoer
- Txetx Etcheverry *** Alternatiba
- Jeanne Fagnani * Honorary director of research, CNRS
- Tanja Fajon **** MEP (S&D)
- Hervé Falciani * Whistleblower (SwissLeaks)
- Hicham Fassi-Fihri *** Film producer
- Didier Fassin *** Professor of Social Science, Princeton
- Carine Favier *** Family Planning Movement
- Claire Fehrenbach *** CEO of Oxfam France
- Caryl Férey *** Writer
- Sara Fernandez *** Engineer Researcher, Irstea
- Nicolas Ferran *** International Observatory on Prisons
- Laura Ferrara **** MEP (EFDD)
- Isabelle Ferreras *** Professor, University of Louvain
- Nicole Ferroni *** Humorist
- Gérard Filoche *** French politician
- Luke Ming Flanagan **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Jean-Philippe Foegle *** PhD student in Public law
- Nicolas Forissier *** Whistleblower
- Irène Frachon *** Whistleblower (Mediator)
- Pascal Franchet *** President of CADTM France
- Philippe Frémeaux *** Journalist
- Jean Gadrey *** Economist
- Yann Galut * French MP
- Jean-Jacques Gandini *** ex-President of SAF (French lawyer syndicate)
- Hélène Garner-Moyer *** Researcher, CERGORS
- Jean-Pierre Garnier *** Sociologist
- Alain Garrigou *** Political scientist
- Vincent de Gaulejac *** Sociologist
- Chantale Gauthier *** Deputy President of MNCP
- Susan George *** Political scientist, Honorary president of ATTAC
- Geoffrey Geuens *** Essayist, University lecturer
- Stéphanie Gibaud * Whistleblower (UBS)
- Sven Giegold ** MEP (Greens)
- Andrew Giles ** Australian MP (Labour)
- María Teresa Giménez Barbat **** MEP (ALDE)
- Corinne Gobin *** Political scientist
- Ana Maria Gomes **** MEP (S&D)
- Brigitte Gonthier-Maurin *** French Senator
- Tania Gonzales **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Roland Gori *** Psychanalyst
- Olivier Gourmet *** Actor
- Alain Grandjean *** Ecnomist, Entrepreneur
- Jesse Griffiths ** Eurodad
- Bernadette Groison *** General secretary of FSU
- Sylvie Guillaume **** MEP (S&D)
- Jean-Claude Guillebaud *** Writer
- Thibaut Guilluy *** Social entrepreneur
- André Gunthert *** Historian
- Philippe Hambye *** Linguist
- Jean-Pierre Hammer *** University Professor
- Benoît Hamon *** French MP
- Heidi Hautala **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Gavin Hayman ** Global Witness
- Michel Heinrich *** French MP, Mayor of Épinal
- Nathaniel Heller ** Global Integrity
- Patrick Henriot *** National Secretary of the French Magistrate Union
- Christiane Hessel ***
- Maria Heubuch **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- John Hilary ** War on Want
- Martin Hojsik ** ActionAid International
- Kelvin Hopkins ** UK MP (Labour)
- Tim Hughes ** Involve
- Jean-Pierre Hugot *** Comics Author
- Nicolas Hulot *** President of Foundation Nicolas-Hulot
- Daniel Ibanez *** Whistleblower
- Marc Jacquemain *** Sociologist
- Patrick Jacquemin *** Entrepreneur
- Yannick Jadot ** MEP (Greens)
- Cathy James ** Public Concern at Work
- Florence Jany-Catrice *** Economist, Lille University
- François Jarrige *** Historian
- Ramón Jáuregui Atondo **** MEP (S&D)
- Raoul-Marc Jennar *** Essayist, Political scientist
- Lord (Joel) Joffe ** UK member of upper house (Labour)
- Eva Joly * MEP (Greens)
- Agnes Jongerius **** MEP (S&D)
- Paul Jorion *** Anthropologist & Economist
- Nicolas Jounin *** Sociologist
- Iosu Juaristi Abaunz **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Jean-François Julliard *** Executive Director, Greenpeace France
- Rina Ronja Kari **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Ged Kearney ** Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
- Paul Kenny ** GMB union
- Chaynesse Khirouni *** French MP
- Dr Sheila Killian ** University of Limerick
- Klaire fait Grrr *** Writer
- Naomi Klein *** Essayist
- Jeppe Kofod **** MEP (S&D)
- Kateřina Konečná **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Korben *** French blog writer
- Dietmar Köster **** MEP (S&D)
- Stelios Kouloglou **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Alain Krivine *** French politician
- Kostadinka Kuneva **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Merja Kyllönen **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- La Parisienne Libérée *** Singer
- Laurence Labeille *** French MP
- Agnès Labrousse *** Economist
- Annie Lacroix-Riz *** Historian
- Laurent Lafforgue *** Mathematician, Fields Medal
- Marion Lagaillarde *** National Secretary of the French Magistrate Union
- Geoffroy de Lagasnerie *** Philosopher & sociologist
- Bernard Lahire *** Sociologist
- Caroline Lambert *** Professor, HEC Montréal
- François-Michel Lambert *** French MP
- Philippe Lamberts ** MEP (Greens)
- Bruno Lamour *** President Collectif Roosevelt France
- Pascal Lamy *** Former Director-General of WTO, former European Commissioner
- Dany Lang *** Economist
- Vincent Lanier *** Primary Secretary-General of SNJ
- Pierre Larrouturou *** co-President of Nouvelle Donne
- Jean Lassalle *** French MP
- Serge Latouche *** Economist
- Sylvain Laurens *** Sociologist
- Eloi Laurent *** Economist
- Archie Law ** ActionAid Australia
- Mauricio Lazala ** Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
- Hervé Le Corre *** Writer
- Patrick Le Hyaric **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Michel Le Scouarnec *** French Senator
- Frédéric Lebaron *** Sociologist
- Safia Lebdi *** French politician
- Daniel Lebegue ** Transparency International
- Eric LeCompte ** Jubilee USA
- Marin Ledun *** Novelist
- Lefred Thouron *** Cartoonist
- Philippe Légé *** Economist
- Michèle Lesbre *** Writer
- Laetitia Liebert ** Sherpa
- Raphaël Liogier *** Sociologist & Philosopher
- Alain Lipietz *** former MEP (Greens)
- Juan Fernando López Aguilar **** MEP (S&D)
- Paloma Lopez Bermejo **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Sabine Lösing **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Édouard Louis *** Writer
- Caroline Lucas ** UK MP (Green)
- Olle Ludvigsson **** MEP (S&D)
- Benoît Majerus * University of Luxembourg
- Rémi Malingrëy *** Cartoonist
- Marcus Malte *** Novelist
- Curzio Maltese **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Patrice Maniglier *** Philosopher
- Dominique Manotti *** Novelist
- Louis-Joseph Manscour **** MEP (S&D)
- Ernest Maragall **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Adrienne Margolis ** Lawyers for Better Business
- Jonathan Marie *** Economist
- Michel Marre *** Musician
- Roger Martelli *** Historian
- Édouard Martin **** MEP (S&D)
- Carlos Martin Tornero *** The Accountant, Editor
- Céline Martinelli *** Whistleblower
- Valérie Massadian *** Film-maker
- Gustave Massiah *** Economist, member of ATTAC scientific council
- Jiří Mastalka **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Marisa Matias **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Emmanuel Maurel *** MEP (S&D)
- Nonna Mayer *** Political scientist
- Sorley McCaughey ** Christian Aid Ireland
- Len McCluskey ** Unite the union
- Porter McConnell ** Coallition for Financial Transparency
- John McDonnell ** UK MP (Labour)
- Katherine McFate ** Center for Effective Government
- Michael Meacher ** UK MP (Labour)
- Dominique Méda *** Philosopher & sociologist
- Jean-Luc Mélenchon *** MEP, Left Party co-founder
- Daniel Mermet *** Journalist
- Nicole Marie Meyer *** Whistleblower Programme Coordinator, Transparency International France
- Jean-Claude Michéa *** Philosopher
- Yves Michel *** Publisher
- Martina Michels **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Jean-François Mignard *** French Human Rights League
- Austin Mitchell ** UK MP (Labour)
- Patrick Monfort *** Secretary-general of SNCS-FSU
- Gérard Mordillat *** Writer & Director
- Edgar Morin *** Sociologist & Philosopher
- François Morin *** Economist
- Patrick Mosconi *** Screenwriter & painter
- Laurent Mucchielli *** Sociologist
- Pierre-Alain Muet *** French MP & Economist
Fernand Muller
Vice-president of UFE
Former public servant in the Luxembourg tax administration - Richard Murphy ** Tax Research UK
- Javier Nart **** MEP (ALDE)
- Erik Neveu *** Political scientist
- Liadh Ní Riada **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Julien Noé *** Enercoop
- Claire Nouvian *** President of BLOOM Association
- André Orléan *** Economist
- Dimitrios Papadimoulis **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Gilles Pargneaux **** MEP (S&D)
- Melissa Parke ** Australian MP (Labour)
- Eléna Pasca *** Philosopher
- Thierry Pech *** Essayist
- Piernicola Pedicini **** MEP (EFDD)
- Antoine Peillon *** Journalist
- Vincent Peillon **** MEP (S&D)
- Corine Pelluchon *** Philosopher
- Gilles Perret *** Documentarian
- Cédric Perrin * French Senator
- Rodolphe Peté *** Secretary-General of SNJ
- Riccardo Petrella *** Emeritus Professor, Catholic University of Louvain
- Camille Peugny *** Sociologist
- Jean-Christophe Picard ** President of Anticor
- Prof Sol Picciotto ** Lancaster University
- Thomas Piketty * Economist
- Laurent Pinatel *** Confédération Paysanne
- Bernard Pinaud ** CCFD-Terre Solidaire
Monique Pinçon-Charlot
Michel Pinçon *** Sociologists - Éric Piolle *** Mayor of Grenoble
- Georgi Pirinski **** MEP (S&D)
- Dominique Plihon *** Economist
- Prof Thomas Pogge ** Yale University
- Laura Poitras *** Journalist
- Thomas Porcher *** Economist
- Didier Porte *** Humorist
- André Posman *** Editor-in-chief of 'De Nieuwe Vlaamse Muziekrevue'
- Dominique Potier *** French MP
- Emmanuel Poupard *** Secretary-General of SNJ
- Philippe Poutou *** French politician
- Jean-Bernard Pouy *** Novelist
- Dominique Pradalié *** Secretary-General of SNJ
- Julien Prévieux *** Artist
- Carolina Punset **** MEP (ALDE)
- Marc Purcell ** Australian Council for International Development
- Olivier Py *** French stage director, actor and writer
- David Quentin ** Tax Justice Network UK
- Pierre Rabhi *** Farmer, environmentalist & writer
- Hélène Rainelli Weiss *** University Teacher
- Gilles Raveaud *** Economist
- Julia Reda **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Evelyn Regner **** MEP (S&D)
- Michel Reimon **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Cécile Renouard *** Teacher at ESSEC
- Christine Revault d'Allonnes-Bonnefoy **** MEP (S&D)
- Jean-Charles Rielle *** Whistleblower
- Michèle Riot-Sarcey *** Historian
- Michèle Rivasi ** MEP (Greens)
- Denis Robert * Journalist & writer
- Friederike Roder ** ONE
- Barbara Romagnan *** French MP
- Bronis Ropé **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Jean-Louis Roumégas *** French MP
- Christian Roux *** Writer
- Pierre Rosanvallon *** Historian, Sociologist
- Prof Tulio Rosembuj ** University of Barcelona
- Dominique Rousseau *** Professor of Constitutional Law, Paris Sorbonne
- Virginie Rozière *** MEP (S&D)
- François Ruffin *** Journalist
- Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner **** MEP (ECR)
- Sako *** Artist
- Christian Salmon *** Writer, researcher
- Lola Sánchez Caldentey **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Shlomo Sand *** Historian
- Patrick Saurin *** French trade unionist
- Christian Sautter *** ex-French minister
- Christel Schaldemose **** MEP (S&D)
- Elly Schlein **** MEP (S&D)
- Dominique Schnapper *** Sociologist, political scientist
- Helmut Scholz **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Laurence Scialom *** University Professor
- Molly Scott Cato ** MEP (Greens)
- Jordi Sebastià **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Lídia Senra Rodríguez **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Mark Serwotka ** PCS union
- Nick Shaxson ** Author
- Prof Prem Sikka ** University of Essex
- Yves Sintomer *** Professor of Political science
- Serge Slama *** PhD in Public Law, member of CREDOF
- Nick Smith ** UK MP (Labour)
- Edward Snowden * Whistleblower
- Bruno Solo *** Actor
- Barbara Spinelli **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Alexis Spire *** Sociologist
- Bart Staes **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Isabelle Stengers *** Philosopher
- Henri Sterdyniak *** Economist
- Jim Stewart ** Trinity College, Dublin
- Bernard Stiegler *** Philosopher
- Lord (Ben) Stoneham ** UK member of the upper house (Lib Dem)
- Dr Andy Storey ** University College Dublin
- Neoklis Sylikiotis **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Clarisse Taron *** President of the French Magistrate Union
- Pierre Tartakowsky *** ex-President of the French Human Rights League
- Janine Teisson *** Writer
- Josep-Maria Terricabras **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Jacques Testart *** Biologist
- Olivier Thérondel *** Whistleblower
- Géraldine Thiry *** Economist, Catholic University of Louvain
- Isabelle Thomas **** MEP (S&D)
- Sophie Tissier *** Whistleblower
- Hélène Tordjman *** Economist, University Paris 13
- Nils Torvalds **** MEP (ALDE)
- Éric Toussaint *** Committee for the Abolition of the Third World Debt
- Aurélie Trouvé *** Åctivist, ATTAC
- Fabien Truong *** Sociologist
- Michel Tubiana *** ex-President of the French Human Rights League
- Justin Turpel *** ex-MP of Luxembourg
- Miguel Urban Crespo **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Ernest Urtasun ** MEP (Greens)
- Marco Valli **** MEP (EFDD)
- Angela Vallina **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Tom van der Lee ** Oxfam Novib
- Monika Vana **** MEP (Greens/EFA)
- Antoine Vauchez *** Sociologist
- Christian Velot *** Biologist
- Marie-Christine Vergiat **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Audrey Vernon *** Actor
- Miguel Viegas **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Denis Vienot ** Justice et Paix
- Cédric Villani *** Mathematician, Fields Medal
- Daniel Villanova *** Actor and writer
- Vinvin *** Presenter, Actor and writer
- Emmanuel Vire *** Secratary-General of SNJ-CGT
- Patrick Viveret *** Philosopher
- Anaïs Vrain *** National Secretary of the French Magistrate Union
- Sophie Wahnich *** Historian
- Dominique Watrin *** French Senator
- Duncan Wigan ** Copenhagen Business School
- Rebecca Wilkins ** FACT Coalition
- Dan Wootton ** Uniting Church in Australia
- Woźniak *** Cartoonist
- Rama Yade *** French politician, former Secretary of State for Foreign Addairs and Human Rights
- Yannis Youlountas *** Philosopher
- Marco Zanni **** MEP (EFDD)
- Tomáš Zdechovský **** MEP (EPP)
- Jean Ziegler *** Member of the Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council
- Gabriele Zimmer **** MEP (GUE/NGL)
- Dr Mark Zirnsak ** Tax Justice Network Australia
- Gabriel Zucman *** Assistant Professor of Economics, UC Berkeley
- Marco Zullo **** MEP (EFDD)
- Marc Zune *** Sociologist
- Mathilde Zylberberg *** National Secretary of the French Magistrate Union
- In an op-ed published in Libération on March 10, 2015.
- In an open letter published in the Guardian on December 23, 2014.
- Spontaneously or contacted by the Support Committee
- MEPs signatories of an open letter to LuxLeaks whistleblowers.