Help and support for Antoine grows!
Many signs of support to Antoine are now being expressed as the Luxleaks trial begins. Among them, the French government gave its official support to Antoine through a speech of the French Minister Michel Sapin at the National Assembly on April 26th.
Michel Sapin offers support from France

In an answer to a question from MP Dominique Potier on Antoine Deltour’s situation and his role as “watchdog of democracy”, the French Finance Minister Michel Sapin clearly stated:
I would also like to express all our solidarity to Antoine Deltour. I asked this morning the Ambassador of France in Luxembourg and the Consulate General to help him if necessary during this difficult time in which he defends the general interest and during which he has nevertheless to stand before a criminal court in Luxembourg.
The Minister then stated that:
Thanks to [Antoine], we could put an end to the opacity that prevented European countries to know the exact tax situation of a number of large companies in Luxembourg.
The minister was greeted by a round of applause in the French National Assembly (watch the video in French on France TV Info).
The support committee for Antoine Deltour hopes these statements –made on behalf of the French government– will participate to a favorable outcome in the trial which just started. Monday, the day before the trial opening, Antoine's lawyers said they would plead for acquittal. This is exactly the outcome the support committee is hoping for!
Supports from the European Parliament
During the day, other supports came in favor of Antoine:
La délégation socialiste française du groupe des sociauThe Social Democrats group (S & D) –the second largest parliamentary group in the European Parliament– called for support to Antoine.
Meanwhile, MEP Alain Lamassoure (EPP), former French Minister and Chairman of the Special Committee TAXE of the European Parliament which investigates since February 2015 on tax rulings and tax abuse in Europe, has published on his website a personal message of support to Antoine:
Following numerous public and private exchanges with Mr Deltour, I am today convinced that he acted only in view of the general interest and justice when unveiling some tax arrangements, some of them were sanctioned illegal by the European justice under the law for state aid.
The support and mobilization continue!