LuxLeaks Trial:
next step on March 27th

On January 11st, the Luxembourg Court of Cassation fully recognised Antoine Deltour as a whistleblower and cancelled his conviction. This historical victory comes after more than three years of mobilisation. Thanks to those who helped Antoine! His judicial marathon is not over yet. He’s referred back to the Court of Appeal on March 27th.

Antoine, smiling, raising his right hand to thank the supporters outside the courthouse
Antoine Deltour, at the first appeal trial
© Annie Gruchy – All rights reserved

Rendezvous at the Court of Appeal on March 27th

Antoine is not yet fully acquitted. He is referred back to the Court of Appeal, first to acknowledge his acquittal, due to his now recognised whistleblower status. He will also be judged for an anecdotal part of the case: as many employees leaving their job, Antoine copied training slides. Incidentally, Antoine came across the tax rulings resulting in the LuxLeaks revelations as he was looking for these slides. He never used or gave them. If he is condemned, this will be a very little consolation for the plaintiff PwC. Rendezvous on Tuesday March 27th, at the Luxembourg Court of Appeal. We hope to see a full acquittal soon!

Halet on the road to the ECHR

The victory in the Court of cassation is unfortunately to be tempered by the confirmation of the fine already sentenced to Raphaël Halet. During the spring appeal trial, the judge had not recognised Halet's whistleblower status. Halet announced his decision to refer his case to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in order to get the recognition that he only acted as a whistleblower. We support his fight!

Journalist Édouard Perrin sentenced to pay 3,000 euros to PwC

On February 7th, the Court of Metz (France) rejected summary proceedings filed by Raphaël Halet and journalist Édouard Perrin, against of the prosecutor’s view. Perrin is even ordered to pay PwC 3,000 euros. Perrin, joined by Halet, had summoned PwC Luxembourg in summary proceedings for violation of the confidentiality of journalistic sources. The Metz Court judgment is a serious attack to protection of sources and press freedom. Édouard Perrin has announced that he will appeal.

Soon a General Annual Meeting

Antoine’s support committee was set up early 2015 to help Antoine, an exemplary citizen that had to be protected. Thanks to your support, commitment and donations, the mission has already been accomplished. This support will continue until the proceedings against Antoine come to an end. The support will then take new forms to be defined together soon, during the next general annual meeting of the association. The date of the General Annual Meeting will be set once the judge in Luxembourg states the new judgment date (a priori announced at the end of the March 27th hearing).

Press coverage: verdict of the Court of Cassation

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